June Meeting – Showdown of the Brew Wars

By Pete Daffern, Webmaster and Nick Wiseman, Editor

The showdown of the year happened at this month’s meeting with the club tasting and voting on which beer they thought was the best from the Brew Wars showdown from last month’s international homebrew day.  IMG_4370

Craig “Stagger” Webber got the ball rolling discussing the events from the International Home Brew Day Brew Off and the different methodologies used.

Matt Pollock and Adam Langan followed explaining their brewing techniques, a three vessel gravity system and Brew in a Bag (BIAB), and how they differed compared to each other. 

With all fours beers tasted by the members on the night, anonymous voting took place with the following results in order of tasting:

  1. BIAB – 8 Votes
  2. HERMS – 29 votes
  3. HERMS no-chill – 28 votes
  4. 3 Vessel Gravity – 11 votes

IMG_4369Craig, Matt and Adam talk about their beers

Some of the members on the night were quite surprised by the results especially with the no-chill coming second, Stagger mentioned that the results for the no-chill beer would likIMG_4377ely have been different if it were a 30 degree summer day rather than sub 10 degree temperatures.

The 30 plate chiller which was up for grabs on the night went to Andrew Blencoe and five new members were introduced to the club – hope you all had a great night.

With no more official activities for the night, the club socialised and spent their time enjoying the four kegs of Kolsch available on tap.

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