Competition Secretary
By Peter Devries, Competition Secretary
Welcome all to the first Ferm of 2010! The club competition's for 2010 will follow on from last year’s excellent effort coordinated by the outgoing Competition Secretary, Charles Newton. The same beers and style categories will appear this year, with the major difference being that the beers from competition three have been swapped for those in competition one. There were a few reasons to make this switch, but the first one was to get your fresh-is-best summer ales and wheat beers into the first competition of the year.
Not all of our members have the ability to adequately cool their fermenters during warmer weather, and this may have presented an issue for those wishing to brew Lagers and Pilseners. The beers that may need cooler weather can therefore be brewed in the middle of the year, and then entered into competition three in August. We also have the stronger beers — that need some quality time spent in the keg — in competition three. So, think about those strong beers now, and get brewing!
I take this moment to remind all members that our club relies on the time and efforts of volunteers. Competitions call on those who can judge beers, those who are keen to steward for the judges, and those keen to just be there and help out in any way they can. Rallying all these people together can be testing and time-consuming, so, get along and help out your club when and where you can.
The first competition for the year will be judged in late March, so keep an eye out for the final date to be announced shortly.
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