July 2024 Update

The next club meeting is just round the corner on 4 July 2024 at the Polish White Eagle Club.

  • Education: Special guest Steve Kirby will be talking braggots this month and is planning to take us through a little blending. To help Steve is seeking a little assistance from the club members who could donate a few litres (about 3L) of a lager, pale and a one of either a porter, stout or RIS. If you’re interested you can reply to Steve’s FB post here.
  • Raffle: There will be great prizes again this month… to be announced!
  • Six Pack Swap: is on again and it’s a great way to try new styles, practice judging and receive feedback on your brews. Sign up on FB or on the forum.
  • The Kegerator Raffle is over… congrats Chuck… but there’s still NOOKIE!

Club Membership Fees

For the first time in about 10 years the Committee have decided to increase membership fees. Canberra Brewers membership will now be $60 per year, but the same fantastic deals from our sponsors continue, including:

  • Bent Spoke Draughter’s membership
  • Mathematics
  • Brew your own at home
  • Belco Brew Supplies and many more

For members that are keen to pay for multiple years we now have a 2 year payment option. You may now renew your membership for this financial year period. Membership renewal is through the canberra brewers website here.

Winter Competition

Results are now up on the competition website. Just log in and you will be able to view the scanned feedback provided by the judges.

We had 41 entries judged on the day. Thanks to Zierholz at Fyshwick for generous use of their facilities for the event. Thanks to all the judges and stewards, with special mention of Michael, Bec and John, all new to stewarding but providing a great service under the steady guidance of Richard E. And a big thank you to David Gilks for his duties as Head Judge – reviewing the pour sheets, checking the details provided by brewers and providing guidance on the day to judging tables. 

We had some stand out results, which bode well for ACT representation in the National Championships. Congratulations to David Bennet, for his Brett Beer, bringing in the top score of 43. And to Andrew Mevius, Patrick Baggoley, Steve Hogarth, Corey Fischer, Andrew Lewis and Anthony Ween for the top ten scoring entries – ranging from Andrew’s Belgian Tripel to Steve’s American Lager to Anthony Ween’s Munich Helles. And a congratulations to Nerida Robinson for her placed entries in the cider category – Nerida is a very welcome new entrant to our competitions.

Upcoming Events

July – Club bike ride

The date and details for the next Club Bike Ride, but is anticipated to be some time after the July meeting. More information will be posted soon.


The committee have started planning for Oktoberfest 2024, keep your eyes peeled for more informaiton on dates and bookings.

September – 2024 ACT Amateur Brewing Championships

ACTABC’s will be held in late September, ahead of the National Championships to be held in Brisbane on October 26. Further details of our ACT Championships will be posted before too long – but with 20 styles open for judging we need your beers, ciders and meads and your volunteering on the weekend of judging.

December – Carton Swap 2024

Last year was big and it’s happening again at the December 2024 meeting. You can find out more details and sign up on the forum here.